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Queen Jesseen
Nov 05, 2021
In Singing Forum
If you are looking for a way to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy start singing! Here are a few good reasons you might want to get those vocals in tune! Singing is good for you. Many studies done over a number of years have focused on the health benefits of singing, and the evidence is overwhelming. Singing releases endorphins into your system and makes you feel energized and uplifted. People who sing are healthier than people who don’t. Singing gives the lungs a workout, Singing tones abdominal and intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, and stimulates circulation. Singing makes us breathe more deeply than many forms of strenuous exercise, so we take in more oxygen, improve aerobic capacity and experience a release of muscle tension as well.” — Professor Graham Welch, Director of Educational Research, University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK If you sing in the shower or sing along with the radio, consider taking this raw vocal skill to new heights. Music – the “universal language” not only stirs our deepest emotions, but active participation can increase energy and vigor to see us through even the most stress-filled life commitments. Good vocal technique goes beyond the basics to include both physical and vocal warm-ups, proper nutrition, adequate rest and emotional commitment. An experienced vocal teacher will explore all aspects of posture, abdominal and chest development, tone production and breath control. What health club can promise these benefits? Singing increases poise, self-esteem and presentation skills. Singing strengthens concentration and memory. Singing develops the lungs and promotes superior posture. Singing broadens expressive communication. Singing adds a rich, more pleasant quality to speech. Singing animates the body, mind and spirit. Singing enables the performer to delve into characterization/acting. Singing stimulates insight into prose and poetry and piques interests in the inner meaning of words. Singing enriches one’s ability to appreciate the art of great singers. Singing is an ageless enjoyment – you are never too young or too old. Singing is therapeutic both emotionally and physically. Source Link -
Queen Jesseen
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